Chamada nº 1/2023 – Sinter/Propesq – Manifestação de Interesse: Projetos de pesquisa para o Magna Charta Observatory (MCO)
~~~~Atualização em 03/05/2023~~~~
A chamada recebeu 2 respostas.
Resultado: O projeto selecionado foi enviado ao MCO, mas não foi selecionado.
~~~~Publicação em 13/01/2023~~~~
A Secretaria de Relações Internacionais (Sinter) e a Pró-reitoria de Pesquisa e Inovação (Propesq) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) convidam servidores da UFSC com projetos de pesquisa sobre universidade responsiva e responsável (“The Responsive and Responsible University”) para manifestarem seu interesse em participar de iniciativa do Magna Charta Obsevatory (MCO) voltada à promoção desse tema de pesquisa. O propósito do MCO é contribuir para a reflexão das práticas de responsabilidade social da Universidade.
A UFSC deverá indicar um único projeto de pesquisa ao MCO*, de modo que a Sinter e a Propesq selecionarão o projeto que mais bem representa a Instituição ou, ainda, dialogarão com interessados sobre a possibilidade de agregar mais de um projeto em uma única proposta. Serão valorizados projetos que explicitem a participação de parceiros externos nacionais e internacionais relevantes.
Os pesquisadores interessados deverão manifestar seu interesse por meio do preenchimento de formulário, até 18 de janeiro de 2023.
Cronograma de atividades:
Atividade | Prazo |
Lançamento da chamada | 12/1/2023 |
Recebimento de propostas | 13/1 a 18/1/2023 |
Análise dos projetos recebidos e solicitação de criação de proposta conjunta (se for o caso) | 19/1 a 27/1/2023 |
Divulgação do resultado | 28/1/2023 |
Envio da indicação de projeto da UFSC ao MCO | 30/1/2023 |
Mais informações sobre a Chamada:
Mais informações sobre o Magna Charta Obsevatory (MCO): Clique aqui.
*Its primary object should not be the presentation and evaluation of individual projects but rather the portfolio of engagement of an individual institution, including the perspective of relevant external partners involved.
Convite do MCO para a UFSC:
Dear Colleagues,
‘Universities acknowledge that they have a responsibility to engage with and respond to the aspirations and challenges of the world and to the communities they serve, to benefit humanity and contribute to sustainability.’
This is one of the key sentences in the Magna Charta Universitatum 2020 which until now has been signed by some 400 universities worldwide. Which is a clear expression that the academic responsibility to society is accepted by many of us.
In support of this and related core principles and values the Magna Charta Observatory has now launched a new initiative to invite and promote academic research on ‘The Responsive and Responsible University’. Attached to this letter you will find a Conceptual Framework of this initiative.
The basic thinking of this ambition is threefold.
First of all, we are observing that many colleagues worldwide are subscribing to this responsibility to society principle but finding it not at all easy to put it into practice in their teaching, learning and research strategies and activities.
In view of this it seems to us that it probably makes perfect sense to study the why and how of success and failure for the purpose of learning from practical experience, or rather from the lessons learned by colleagues.
Last but not least we think that such peer learning will be particularly helpful if it were based on solid research into relevant cases and the mechanisms that defined their success or failure. Of course, such research must be of a reflexive nature, analytical and (self)critical to be transferable to other cases and to other contexts. Its primary object should not be the presentation and evaluation of individual projects but rather the portfolio of engagement of an individual institution, including the perspective of relevant external partners involved.
This letter is an invitation to indicate your interest in joining this initiative and contributing to its further definition and development. This can be done by completing the online form.
Such indication of interest should include a first description of the scope of the research to be undertaken, the disciplinary fields of study involved as well as relevant external partners. We would like to receive these by February 1st, 2023. The Magna Charta Observatory itself will provide leadership and support by means of its standing committee on research and offer some facilities for supportive desk research where this is needed.
On receipt of the indications of interest the committee will select a first group of signatory universities wishing to contribute to the initiative for its further development. It is our plan to have a meeting of this group some time in Spring 2023.
We do hope that many of you, from various parts of the world and a wide diversity of institutions and contexts, will be participating. By doing so this initiative could become yet another way to underpin the global nature of our Magna Charta community of universities. Thereby strengthening and supporting the mission of independent and responsive universities worldwide.
MCO chair and Research Committee chair.
Em caso de dúvidas, entrar em contato pelo e-mail
Fonte: Sinter/UFSC